Regular care and maintenance will ensure that your new area rug retains its beauty. Even if you don’t have a lot of spare time, there are some quick and easy steps that will do wonders to protect the look and longevity of your area rug.

A good vacuum cleaner is all you really need! Vacuum at least weekly (if not more often) to pull up loose dirt and debris. Dirt that rubs into your rug's fibers over time can lead to dulled colors and a shorter overall lifespan, especially in high-traffic areas.
When cleaning shag rugs, keep in mind that they have longer, cable-like yarns that tend to wrap around vacuum beater bars. Disconnect or remove the beater bar of your vacuum cleaner (instructions should be available in your vacuum's manual) to avoid this type of damage. Set your vacuum to the lowest height setting for the best results.
We also recommend that you occasionally arrange for a professional rug cleaning. Never dry clean or bleach your rug.
No matter how careful you are, your area rug will most likely fall victim to the occasional spill, especially if you have kids, pets, or even clumsy adults in your family.
Before you clean the spill (and you should do so quickly), stop and establish whether the spill is water- or oil-based. If the spill is water-based, simply blot as much of it as you can. Other spills are more complex and may require removal with a manufacturer-approved carpet stain and soil remover.